The Outpost

A Gap Year Discipleship Program

The Outpost is an intensive biblically based 9-month “gap year” program that runs early September through May. Focused on discipleship and leadership development, Outpost is designed to equip and prepare young adults ages 18-22 for life as ministry. Utilizing Victory Bible Camp as a training ground, Outpost participants gain hands-on experience in various departments within the camp’s ministry. Classes on Bible basics and various theological topics are combined with practical life-skills and personal development, providing a varied foundational education. The 9-month program allows for deeper immersion into various aspects of ministry as well as intentional accountability and guidance for every student. 

Training Modules WEB Victory Bible Camp Internship Program


We don’t just throw you into the water and tell you to swim, we help you learn the skills you need to be successful in whatever path you choose. You’ll spend an average of 1-3 days per week in classes where you’ll learn more about faith and ministry, ranging from Bible courses and book studies to ministry and personal development classes. One week you may learn how to share your faith and the next week you will learn how to weld. Outpost thrives on diversity! The key is that as you go through the program you will become a more well-rounded person and more solidified in your faith.


Beyond classroom education, you will learn about some of the ins and outs of camping ministry, becoming an integral part of the operations at Victory. The key is that in addition to the broad training and experience you will gain from the program itself, you will get to spend a portion of your time learning what kind of job or role best suits you. Alongside the year-round staff, everyone pitches in to get things done. When you’re in Outpost, you learn to work as a team to get these big tasks done!Outpost students will also have the opportunity to visit and learn about various ministries in our corner of Alaska -and beyond! From youth centers to aviation ministry, you might just get a spark of inspiration to know where God is leading you next!

Intern Community Outpost with Victory Bible Camp


While in the program, you will share a home with other students. Part of the joy and struggle with a community arrangement is learning to live and work together. We don’t want to undersell this. You will have to learn how to cohabitate; how to manage conflicts; how to manage budgets; how to communicate with gentleness and understanding. It’s part of life. Sometimes it will be the best part of Outpost -sometimes it will be the most challenging. In the end, you will go through experiences together that could bond you with the other Outpost students for life.



Cost for Outpost for the 2023-’24 year is $750 per semester, totaling $1500 for all 9 months of the program.  Room and board is provided, but prospective students are personally responsible for their own clothing and basic supplies for the year – each participant determines this budget as they consider their needs.

“Outpost taught me how to cultivate my relationship with Christ.”

Rosie / Outpost '16-'17
“God worked through the people, books, classes…and for the first time ever I was able to clearly see what He wanted me to do with my life.”
Kati / Outpost '17-'18

“Outpost was a great place to really deepen my relationship with God and realize that it’s all about Him!”

Tyler / Outpost '20-'21

“God brought me to Outpost at just the right time in my life. It has been the perfect tool to help me grow, not only in my walk with Him, but also in my relationships with others and preparing me for the next steps in my future.”

Jason / Outpost '22-'23

Interested in Outpost?

  • Thinking of joining us for Outpost this coming fall? Let us know!