servant leadership
Our Servant and Leadership Training program is designed for teens 14-17 who have given their lives to Christ but desire to grow and deepen their faith and knowledge of how to live and lead like Jesus.
S.A.L.T. participants assist in much of the behind-the-scenes work that keeps Victory operating smoothly during the summer. From cleaning dishes, bathrooms, and vehicles to setting up and serving at mealtimes, S.A.L.T. is an integral part in the ministry. Of course, there is still plenty of time for activities and fun during the two-week S.A.L.T. session.*
Faith, fun, & Fellowship
Spiritual study and growth comes through chapels, worship, Bible study, daily devotionals, small groups, intentional discipleship and abundant opportunities to model servant leadership while working together. “SALTeens” will be challenged and encouraged by truth!
We believe wholeheartedly in doing all that we do to the glory of God! We work hard, play hard, pray fervently, and dig deep into the Word. The S.A.L.T program has a great environment to connect with God and with other believers.
Space is limited per session, so APPLY TODAY!
2024 Session Dates & Pricing
June 9-14/June 16-21
June 23-28/June 30-July 5
July 7-12/July 14-19
July 21-26 (Returners Only)
How the application process works:
1) PARENTS- Click the “Register” button below and create or login to a user account. Create a camper profile for your teenager and register them for the desired session or sessions. Note: Registration will automatically go on the WAITLIST.
2) SALT Applicant- Fill out the SALT application form, taking time to intentionally answer all questions and gather e-mail addresses from adults who are willing to be references.
3) We will send out a reference form to the three individuals you list (be sure to ask their permission ahead of time). Remember that your application will not complete processing until we receive these forms from your references.
4) Once the application and references have been received, we will review everything and contact you to set up a phone interview.
5) Following the interview, we will notify you of your status via the main email on your profile.
6) Once accepted, we will move you from “waitlisted” to “registered.” At this time the deposit must be paid and other forms filled out. Full camp fee is due prior to your session.